Gotrus, the Promised Land 鄂信地,我姓帝。 天下羽帝,天下予帝,天下中帝,我帝中华。
unite China as well as Chinese all over the world under one China in democracy, steers the world into more prosperous and peaceful world under God's shine.
Japan gains in coming years. while China nowadays continues to deteriorate, and fatelly broke into rotten and riot. China will joined by Japan in new era to rerise to its new pinnacle, like its once had in Ming Dynasty under title of Zhu's. power on earth & sea, more freedom for Japan with her new soil settlement, & China as an Empire reset.
Japan gains in coming years. while China nowadays continues to deteriorate, and fatelly broke into rotten and riot. China will joined by Japan in new era to rerise to its new pinnacle, like its once had in Ming Dynasty under title of Zhu's. power on earth & sea, more freedom for Japan with her new soil settlement, & China as an Empire reset.